【速報】英紙「インディペンデント」がイラク民間人殺戮の証言掲載 | 低気温のエクスタシー・ハードバージョン




「Witnesses say US forces killed unarmed civilians」


Allegations of widespread abuse by US forces in Fallujah, including the killing of unarmed civilians and the targeting of a hospital in an attack, have been made by people who have escaped from the city.

They said, in interviews with The Independent, that as well as deaths from bombs and artillery shells, a large number of people including children were killed by American snipers. US forces refused repeated calls for medical aid for injured civilians, they said.

Some of the killings took place in the build―up to the assault on the rebel stronghold, and at least in one case ― that of the death of a family of seven, including a three―month baby ― the American authorities have admitted responsibility and offered compensation.

The refugees from Fallujah describe a situation of extreme violence in which remaining civilians in the city, who have been told by the Americans to leave, appeared to have been seen as complicit in the insurgency. Men of military age were particularly vulnerable. But there are accounts of children as young as four, and women and old men being killed.


